Have you heard the news?! Apparently Sephora is coming to the UK before the end of the year. Rumour has it that their first store will be o...

Primark Limited Edition Heels -£16 This is a quick post and more of a 'I need your opinion' kind of post. I picked u...

Seventeen Define & Conquer Contour Kit: £4.99 I'm not going to lie, this was an accidental purchase. No really, it actual...

This can't be good. Two H&M mini hauls within a space of a week!? HELP. However, I kind of justified my purchases t...

The holiday blues have definitely kicked in. I've been back from the USA for about a month now and it's offi...

H&M is officially my favourite shop at the moment. I absolutely love it. I try and stay out of there as much as I poss...

I've finally decided to set myself up a blog after years of reading other people's. I've wanted to set up my own blog for some ...

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